Winter Scene
Oil on canvas • 12 x 24 in.  
Signed lower right ‘Leslie Cope’ Painted in 1974
Framed • Excellent condition • $1,950

Leslie Cope

An appreciation for the arts defines every great culture

The Blacksmith
Pastel • 18 ¾ x 25 in.
Signed lower right ‘Leslie Cope ‘74’
Framed • Excellent condition • $2,400

About the artist:  Born in Stoke-on-Trent, England, Leslie Cope (British/American 1913- 2002) came to America in 1931 and settled in Roseville, Ohio where he was a member of the Ohio Watercolor Society. He was a prolific painter, etcher, and designer. Leslie Cope’s subjects had common rural themes: work horses, Amish country, barnyards, blacksmith shops, coal mining from the early 1930s, covered bridges, nostalgic rural landscapes, village sketches, fair and carnival scenes, and canal studies. Cope remained active until his death in 2002. His work appears in many private and publications collections including the Metropolitan Museum of Art.